About Me

3rd Desk From The Wall
In school, I was that kid that never seemed to be paying attention in my classes. Seemingly in my own imaginary world where I'm some superstar football player that thousands of fans cheer for, that the whole team relies upon. I spent most of my years, gazing outside my classroom window at the empty football pitch, imagining the incredible goals I'd put in the net. I sat through Geography classes, History classes, Science classes, Mathematics classes, and quite possibly 80% of all my classes imagining what life would be like, if I were to be a football superstar. It was my biggest dream, still is. But after many failed attempts, I came to the realization that it wasn't possible for me. Life happened at last.

Fast forward to today, I came up with an idea to start a football blog. A place where I can talk about football with my friends all over the internet. I realized I could do the work I love, in the industry I love, for the people who truly feel about this beautiful game, as I do!


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